Archive for the 'News' Category

Decrypt DLC container files

This is simple how-to post to show you one method to successfully get rapidshare links out of DLC container (JDownloader Download Link Container) files.

How-to video: 720p x264 format (feel free to upload it to youtube)
Needed files and scripts:

DSM-G600 NAS Project

D-LINK DSM-G600 is a NAS with

Internal 3.5” Hard Drive Support
Two USB 2.0 Ports For Additional Storage
Gigabit Ethernet Port
802.11g Wireless
Running powerpc-uclibc-linux (revB only)
Available under $130 (every once in a while $99)

I have setup a web page with some binaries and hacks to extend usability of this device. For example you can find there telnetd, dropbear ssh, [...]

To make this happening you will need a wifi router, OpenWrt Linux distribution and some knowledge of linux.
You can find more info about supported routers and setting up OpenWrt at here.
After you have successfully installed your wifi router with OpenWrt, then you are ready to install TMSNC for OpenWrt

sala source 100000

On the 18th of june, our counter rolled over the 100,000 visitor line. I’d like to thank all of you that have found something useful here and believed in this website’s purpose. I’d also like to thank xServu for providing free hosting.

New page

It was about time to get the new page up. So here’s the proof that sala source is not dead. As a matter of fact I am working on the next version of Windows Server 2003 Optimize Tool that has full SP1 support. Also Windows Password Renew will soon have an update coming with brand [...]